Park Mead Primary

The Parent Hub

Here you will find links to all the online subscriptions that your child can access.  Your child will have an individual login for the age specific apps.  You should have received your child’s login details in their home learning pack.


Timestable practise

Logins for Year 2 to Year 6



Number bonds and number fact games. Logins for year R, 1 & 2

Activities and games set by the class teacher for pupils in Yr1 –Yr6

Spelling Practise

Logins for all pupils

Pupils in Y5 & Y6 can use this app to access an online lesson set by the classteacher.

Login for everyone will be sent out by parent mail.


This resource is excellent for games, telling the time and shape activities.





 All children at Park Mead will be familiar with this app and have a separate login.

Teachers can set tasks and pupils upload work to receive feedback.



There are a number of further resources that we recommend for example:




Free subscription with access to home learning packs for every year group

Free subscription with access to home learning packs for every year group

Some pupils have individual logins for extra spelling support


If you click on the individual class pages for you child you will be able to access further activities, weblinks, and information from classteachers.


Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315