Park Mead Primary

Year 6

The Year 6 Team

Miss Bayne - 6B

Miss Eidimtaite - 6E Mrs Leighton  - 6B and 6E

We have a fun-packed curriculum in-store for you in the Autumn Term.

Here is a brief overview of our coverage:

English   - Oliver Twist descriptive writing

       - Fantastic Beasts information writing

       - Discussion writing - Were the Dursleys right to keep the truth from Harry? 

       - Guided reading is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - if you have a book at home please       

          have children bring it to school. 

Maths - Place Value, Four Operations, Fractions and Converting Units. 

Science - Light and Electricity which will link to our Christmas DT project.  

History - The Ancient Maya.

PSHE - Me and relationships, Rights and Responsibilities and Valuing Differences. 

Art - A study of artists and mediums.

DT - Textiles Batik project and Steady hand electrical game. 

RE - Christianity - the Trinity, and Islam. 

Computing - Algorithms 

PE - Rugby and basketball (Autumn 1), hockey and tennis (Autumn 2)

French - numbers, family trees

PE days - Wednesday and Friday

On PE days, children may arrive in their PE kits as they did last year.

Dress suitably for the weather: please provide children with black or dark blue leggings or tracksuit bottoms and a sweater when cold; hats and sun-cream for warmer weather. 

 Library days:




Children will write their weekly into their reading records every Monday as part of their class meeting.

Reading - 5 times a week for 20 minutes or more. This must be recorded in their Reading Records and will be checked on Mondays.

My Maths - Mondays

Spelling Shed - Mondays 

Timetables Rockstars - 25 minutes a week minimum - checked on Fridays

Learning Logs - set on a 3 week rota - children have 2 weeks to complete the work and will have it returned a week after handed in.   Children are expected to spend a minimum of 2 hours on it over the 2 weeks. Dates will be assigned through the term but will be due in on a Monday.

Click here to see the Autumn Learning Log tasks - chose which learning log to complete. 


Websites to help learning:             - Maths: 

                                                               - English: 

This will be added to as work is set. (Children will need to create a log in)


Apps that are free and useful:      Seesaw Class, Apple Clips, GarageBand, Keynotes, ThingLink, ibisPaint X, LbQ,                                                                  Popplet, AnimateAnything, Do Ink GreenScreen (All creations from these apps                                                                can be uploaded to Seesaw)

Access Reading Cloud, click here.  to order library books.  

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Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315