Park Mead Primary

Year 6

Isle of Wight 

Day 1

We have had a fantastic journey to PGL. The children were an absolute delight on the coach and the ferry. The glorious sunshine welcomed up as we disembarked and made our way to our home for the week. 

The children quickly settled in, organising themselves in their rooms, playing amongst the trees and filling their bellies with a tasty first meal. This evening, their evening activity has been a team quiz and they are now getting themselves ready for bed for their first night to make sure they are fresh for the first set of activities. 

Day 2

We can't believe we have only had one full day because we have done so much! 

Each group has completed four activities from Survival, Vertical Challenge, fencing, archery and low ropes. The children have thrown themselves into all their activities and worked together so well. Their evening activity had them completing a geography orienteering challenge running around the camp. It is safe to say that their bellies and full and they are sufficiently tired out and getting ready for bed to sleep off the excitement, ready for more tomorrow! 

Day 3

Today, we have been so lucky with the weather. The rain stayed away and we had a lovely morning kayaking together. After working out how to don our wetsuits, we headed to the beach and enjoyed fun, games and splashing. When they afternoon came around, there was a mixture of fencing for other groups, trapeze for others and the infamous Matrix (a secret activity where secrets cannot be revealed!) They day was topped off with singing and marshmallows around the campfire. 

Day 4

Another busy day has involved zipline rides, problem solving challenges, more vertical challenges, climbing and the teachers’ favourite – the sensory trail, where the children are blindfolded and sent through a muddy obstacle course. They have all done so well entering their challenge zones and completing everything with smiles on their faces! They have really conducted themselves impeccably and received lots of compliments from the PGL staff about how awesome and polite they are. We cannot believe that we are on our way home tomorrow, but not without a few more activities!

The Year 6 Team



Miss Bayne


Mrs Harrison


Mrs Berry


Mrs Leighton


Mrs Davies


Ms Heath




We have a fun-packed curriculum in-store for you this term.

Here is a brief overview of our coverage:

English - Dual narrative, newspaper reporting, Lost Words poetry, Hampton Court information text

     - Guided Reading: The Explorer by Katherine Rundell

Maths - Ratio, algebra and decimals

Science - Evolution and Inheritance, and Living things and their Habitats. 

Topic - Completing Environment Explorers (Geography) and moving on to Change of Power (History)

PSHE - Rights and Respect, Being My Best. 

Art - Photography and portraits

DT - Playground structures

RE -Judaism

Computing - Sounding editing (Garage Band) and animations

PE - Dance and gymnastics (Spring 1), netball and fitness (Spring 2)

French - numbers, places - towns and countries, directions

PE days - Wednesday and Friday

On PE days, children may arrive in their PE kits as they did last year.

Dress suitably for the weather: please provide children with black or dark blue leggings or tracksuit bottoms and a sweater when cold; hats and sun-cream for warmer weather. 

 Library days:




Children will write their weekly into their reading records every Wednesday as part of their class meeting.

Reading - 5 times a week for 20 minutes or more. This must be recorded in their Reading Records and will be checked on Tuesdays. There will be an optional reading challenge too.

My Maths - Set on Wednesday and due in the following Tuesday

Spelling Shed - Set on Friday and due in the following Friday 

Timetables Rockstars - 25 minutes a week minimum - checked on Fridays

Learning Logs - set on a 3 week rota - children have 2 weeks to complete the work and will have it returned a week after handed in.   Children are expected to spend a minimum of 2 hours on it over the 2 weeks. Dates will be assigned through the term but will be due in on a Tuesday.

Click here to see the Autumn Learning Log tasks - chose which learning log to complete. 


Websites to help learning:             - Maths: 

                                                               - English: 

This will be added to as work is set. (Children will need to create a log in)


Apps that are free and useful:      Seesaw Class, Apple Clips, GarageBand, Keynotes, ThingLink, ibisPaint X, LbQ,                                                                  Popplet, AnimateAnything, Do Ink GreenScreen (All creations from these apps                                                                can be uploaded to Seesaw)

Access Reading Cloud, click here.  to order library books.  

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Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315