Park Mead Primary

Year 3

Mrs Jimmison

3JH (Mon-Tues)

 Class Teacher

Miss Hughes

3JH (Wed -Fri)

Class Teacher


Mrs Wigfield 


Teaching support


Mrs Desmond


Class Teacher

 Mrs Brown


Teaching support 



 2023- 2024 The week at a glance:

3JH 3D


New spellings on Spelling Shed

New spellings on Spelling Shed



 Written homework in

Written homework in





Maths. homework week starts.

PE/ Art 

Maths. homework week starts


Summer Curriculum Focus:



Newspaper report using Varjak Paw as a stimulus.

Action story  - Aliens are coming

Persuasive letter - Children in space




We follow the White Rose scheme throughout school.


This term we will be studying fractions, money, time, shape and statistics

Fractions: adding and subtracting, finding amounts of numbers e.g. 1/3 of 30.

Money: following on from year 2 and adding and subtracting in pounds and pence not using the

decimal point as that is introduced further on in their schooling. 

£2 and 70p   +   £1 and 99p

£2 and 69p  +  £2  =  £4 and 69p

 Time: children are expected to come into year 3 being able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We will 

have a short amount of time to recap and they are expected to tell the time to the nearest minute before we move 

onto duration. Helping your child read the time on analogue clock will really support them in their school work.

Shape: angles, types of lines, 2D and 3D shape.

Statistics: Pictograms, bar charts and 2 way tables.




Science: Plants and visit to Wakehurst Place

Geography: Volcanoes and Climate and Biomes

History:  Ancient Greece and Alexander the Great

RE: Joseph, Moses and the Exodus and The kings, the temple and living as a Jew.


PE:  Children should come to school in their PE kits on a PE day. Children should wear their colour T-shirt of the planet group they're in with blue shorts and trainers. Your child can wear their school jumper or cardigan or a plain sweatshirt (no logos please).

We are looking forward to taking part in athletics, tri-golf, outdoor and adventurous activities and 



ART/DT: Any practical art/D.T. work will be undertaken on a Monday (3JH)/Friday (3D) afternoon. If you would like your child to wear an old t-shirt, shirt or apron to protect their clothes, please send one in to keep in their locker. Please make sure they can independently put it on and take it off. 

Van Gogh paintings as a stimulus and sewing including applique.


Computing: As we are working online a lot more these days, we all need to ensure that we are staying safe and understand how to do that successfully. 

Here are some useful websites and games that can help you to learn more.

 We will be continuing to create a comic style presentation in PowerPoint and then learning about 

Google Forms.


Please try to read with your child for 10 minutes every day. Short, daily reading is the best way to help your child progress in this area. The set days to change books for children who are not on 'fluent or free reader' books will be a Monday and Thursday in both classes.

Please note in your child's reading record when they have read to you and when the book is completed.  Children who are free readers can fill in their record independently but please still try to listen to them read regularly. 

 Reading records and books should be in school bags every day.


Please take a look at these helpful questions to discuss with your child as you are reading to further their comprehension. 

Reading question stems Picture


To access Reading Cloud, click here.      



Children do not need to change their book every week if they are still reading it. If they are still reading, please do send your child to bring in their library book every two weeks to be re-scanned. This ensures our system doesn't generate a late notice for them. If their book(s) is/are overdue, they will not be able to borrow books.

Children can take up to two books out. 


Homework will be checked each week on a Thursday and spellings changed on a Monday for the new lists. 

Children should access Spelling Shed and complete at least 5 games per week. We will be working on our spellings daily, so practicing at home on Spelling Shed will support them further with this. 

Log ins and passwords are on the inside cover of their yellow reading diary. You will find a QR code and their passwords  under the title 'EdShed.' 


It will link to the spelling patterns the children are learning in class that week. This is online on Spelling Shed. 

To access Spelling Shed, click here.        



Please practise times tables using TT Rockstars.

Children should also access Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots for at least 30 minutes per week, ideally a few minutes a day of each program as this is the most effective way to learn. 

Log in details are in the front of the children's reading records.


To access TT Rockstars, click here.        

Numbots can be accessed through the same password and supports number recognition and fluency.



We may start using MyMaths later in the year but at the moment we will continue with maths sheets, which will be sent home on a Friday, and be due in the following Wednesday. Children should spend 20 minutes on this activity.

To access My Maths, click here.             


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Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315