Park Mead Primary

Year 5


Ms Bingham

Mrs Berry


Ms Bingham


 Mrs Paxman


 Mrs Tosh

5B and 5PB

Mrs Booth






We hope you have had a wonderful summer break!

On this page you will find useful information about routines for your children

in Year 5.


Important Details


Link to the Year 5 Information Evening PowerPoint HERE (held Thursday 26th September 2024)

Children should bring Home School Diaries and Reading Books in every day. 

Your child's login details required for them to complete their homework are stuck in in the front of their Home School Diary.  

Their library barcode is also stuck in. To access Reading cloud they will need the number under the barcode. Click on the reading cloud link further down this page for more info.




Learning Logs will be set on a Monday. Children will then have two weeks to complete it for them to hand in on a Monday.

5PB: Spelling Shed homework set today and completed by the following Monday.

TTRS 10mins of games set. To be completed by next Monday. 

PE - Children to come to school in PE kit




PE - Children to come to school in PE kit 

MyMaths homework set today, to be completed by the following Monday.




 5B: Spelling Shed homework set today and completed by the following Friday.




Termly Curriculum Focus:

Geography: Earthquakes & Deserts


History: Arabia and Early Islam & Cordoba: City of Light


Religion: The Message of Jesus Spreads & Ramadan



Our Science topics are:

Life Cycles    






Place Value:  - Roman numerals, partitioning, comparing and rounding numbers to 1 000 000.

Addition and Subtraction – adding and subtracting numbers with more than four digits, using the inverse operation, multi-step problems. 

Multiplication & Division - multiples, factors, prime numbers, square numbers, cube numbers, multiply and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 

Fractions - equivalent fractions, converting improper fractions and mixed numbers, comparing and ordering fractions, adding and subtracting fractions. 

Maths Websites

Great for practising maths facts. It has the same login details as TTRockstars.


Half term Focus:

Portal Stories and Instructions    

Warning Tales and Witness Statements         

Class story: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe


Guided Reading: Cloud Busting



   Spelling Shed homework will be set each Friday to complete at least 5 games.  Children's log in details are in their home school diaries. 


To access the reading cloud and order your favourite books into the library, click below:

Books are issued for two weeks at a time but can be returned earlier. If your child wishes to keep a book for longer than two weeks, please send it in to school and your child can place it in the library box with a post-it note so that it can be renewed.


You can check which books your child currently has on loan along with the return dates on Reading Cloud. Log-in details are in the front of your child's home-school diary. If a book has got lost, we ask for a £5 contribution towards replacing the book. Please speak to your child's class teacher.


Children should come to school in their PE kits on a Monday and Wednesday. Children should wear the colour t-shirt of the planet group they're in with blue shorts and trainers. Plain blue, black, or grey tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a similar sweatshirt (no logos please) should be worn as the weather becomes colder. If you prefer, your child can wear their school jumper or cardigan.



In computing this half term we are creating a game using Scratch.

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Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315