Park Mead Primary

Welcome to Reception

General Information

  • Doors open 8:45. Please drop your child off at the bottom of the steps.
  • End of day 3:15. Please come into the classroom to collect your child.
  • RBD PE - Thursday
  • RP    PE - Thursday
    • Please send a PE kit into school with your child at the start of term. Children will be getting changed for PE in school. PE kits can remain in school and will be sent home each half term.
  • Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named.
  • Please send your child in with a named water bottle. We will refill it during the day as needed.
  • Morning fruit and veg snacks are provided so there is no need for your child to bring a snack into school.
  • Long hair needs to be tied back for school please (girls and boys).  
  • Library day - Friday. Please return your child's library book so that they can choose a new one.
  • Reading Practice Books - Sent home on Friday. Please return on the following Friday with the library book.
  • Yellow Reading Records - please keep this in your child's book bag so that it comes in to school every day.
  • Library and Reading practice books will not start immediately. 

What does my child need to bring to school?

  • named water bottle


  • named book bag


  • named wellies (leave in school)


  • named waterproof all in one (leave in school)


  • named P.E kit in a named P.E bag (leave in school)





The new Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage can be seen HERE

The Birth to 5 matters document can be found HERE 

Here are some useful websites and activities: 

Oxford Owl - Free access to a number of books (sign up required)

Topmarks - Maths activities  

Oak Academy- useful for story text mapping

ICT games - Various maths and phonics games


Topic Overview

Autumn 1 All about me
Autumn 2

All about me  

Spring 1

Traditional tales

Spring 2

Spring and new life

Summer 1

The Farm 

Summer 2

The Seaside




We will be following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme to teach phonics and reading. Phonics involves breaking words down in to the smallest units of sound and teaching children how these sounds are represented with letters.

Click here to see which sounds we will be teaching in the first half of the autumn term, along with information on how we teach the children to write the letters.

Click here to see the sounds we will be teaching in Autumn 2.

Click here to watch videos of the pronunciations of the sounds.

Once the children have secure knowledge of the first set of sounds and are able to blend them to read simple words, we will begin to send reading books home. This is likely to be around half term. The children will bring home a book they have read at school, which they should be able to read fluently to you. They will also visit the library once a week to choose a book to share with you. For more information about how we teach reading, click here.

The links to the Little Wandle videos are here:      Blending         Tricky Words

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Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315